I am imsomniac so now I will post about imsoniaaaaa! For my understanding imsomnia is a monster that will creep beside you at night and eventually he will attack you and eat your brain leaving you to be zombies for the rest of your life. Muahahaha!
Just Joking.
Imsomnia is a disease that eventually make people to have difficulty to fall asleep or and maybe to stay asleep.
According to Oxford Dictionary, Imsomnia pronounce as ‘/ɪnˈsɒmnɪə/’ is a habitual sleeplessness or inability to sleep. It derived from the latin word ‘imsomnis’ in the early 17th century.
I have nothing to do.. I just as well type something useful for once.
(This is Insomnia my friends)
I repeat imsomnia is a a sleep disorder. Usually people infected with imsomnia will have this symptoms:
- You will have difficulty to fall asleep. Even if you knock your head on a thick 1000 meter wall you will not fall asleep. Well, if your attention to be death then I believe that is not my concerns (yes, Im heartless)
- You will wake up at the middle of the night and you will have problems going back to sleep afterward.
- You will have problems wth concentrations and memory
- Always fell sleepy during the day
- Irritability with something or someone =.=
- You will always feel tired
- You feel that you sleep only for 1 hours yet you sleep for the whole days =.=
- You will be active at night without any reasons to be awake
- You will be awake too little too early in the morning
- Your body always feel exhausted and tired
Causes of IMSOMNIA
As a students, Imsomnia always go crawling back to me everytime. It sure love to make me suffer.
Here are a several causes of Imsomnia:
- Stress.
Don’t know but maybe the only sole reasons you where in stress because you have a lot of works needed to be finish on time? Only my opinion. Well, significant life stress such as you loss your job, someone kick the bucket, divorce, you’re dying, you and your girlfriend are breaking up because you did not give buy her an ice-cream is the causes of your stress which lead to imsomnia.
- IIlness.
Maybe you have an illness just like sleeping beauty but it is in a reverse condition. You will not be able to sleep for the rest of your life. *evil laugh
- Environmental factors which make you annoyed such as the light, the noises, extreme temperature that will interfere with your relationship with sleep.
For an example, your housemates becomes parasites and goes to your room every 24 hours and make super extremely loud noises. It’s killing me little by little everyday. And when they speak, their voice is super duper loud like they are deaf or something =.=
-Interferences with your usual sleeping habit.
Something is bothering with your normal sleeping schedule such as you have a jet lag or switching your style/way of sleep from day to day.
How to cure your IMSOMNIA
1. First of all you need to be punctual and always follow your sleeping schedule. Go to sleep at the same time each night and wake up at the same time every morning. A warning for you, do not take a naps during the day even if you’re so sleepy in order to prevent you from having less sleepy at night.
2. This may be hard for hardcore coffee drinker or for students that have to stay all night finishing their assignment, but you need to avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol during the night. It can keep you from falling to sleep and it also cause you to surprisely waking at night and it will interferes with your sleep quality.
3. Exercise! Exercise and exercise. You need to have a regular exercise but don’t over do it and try not to exercise close to you bedtime it will make you hard to sleep. According to a reseachers, it is not suggested to exercise at least 3 to 4 hours before the time for you to go to shut your eyes and sleep.
4. Do not eat heavy food at late night such as burgers, pizza, icecream, KFC T.T
5. You also need to follow a routinein order to help you to chill and relax before you go to sleep. Maybe you can read a comic book or just a boring old book, listen to relaxing music, or take go take a bath.
6. If you can't fall asleep, get up and read or do something that is not overly stimulating until you feel sleepy. Here a tips for you, go and read history book or listen to a lecture about history. I guarenteed you will sleep for sure. *creepy evil witch laugh
Trust me because I’m an imsomniac *evil laugh*
Oh rather to be said some people can't fall asleep because they have imsomnia. Well, I can't fall asleep because I have internet connection. hewhew

Adapted not copy paste from
0 Crawlers