(Retrieved from Eqbal Mohaydeen FB account)
Mohd Eqbal Bin Mohaydeen Abdul Kader Jailane or better known as Eqbal Mohaydeen is a new male writer working under Buku Prima Sdn.Bhd from 2015 until now. He is an out going and friendly. Eqbal was borned on 20 March 1992. He received his early education at Choi Min Secondary School and SMK Choi Min. Then continuing his studies and majoring in History at the University of Science, Malaysia (USM) in Pulau Pinang. He started writing his first story on Penulisan2U in 2012 with a Pen name Eiq Erry. He sent his manuscript to Buku Prima and signed a contract with the company and become a writer at the same time as a student.
Short BIO
Name : Mohammed Eqbal Bin Mohaydeen Abdul Kader Jailane
Other Pen name : Eiq Erry
Age : 24 years old
Date of Birth : 20 March 1992
Place of Birth : Hospital Kulim, Kedah
Hometown : Kulim, Kedah
Religion : Islam (Malay)
Religion : Islam (Malay)
Siblings : 3 (Norshela Mohaydeen, Norihan Mohaydeen and Eqbal Mohaydeen)
Occupation : Writer and a student
: Have an experience working at a legal firm at Bukit Mertajam
Genre of Writing: Horror
Contact : Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/eiq.erique
Contact : Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/eiq.erique
Works 1. Novels - Jasad (2015), Antologi Seram: Anak Patung Nana/Ngeri (2015), Projek Seram Hotel: Hotel San Devilly (2016) and Nyawa (2016)
2. Short stories - Rumah No.13 and Hotel Stallion
3. Ongoing - Raungan
JASAD (2015)
Two friends Reykal and Tenku share horror stories that both of them have heard before. Both of them talked without being aware that a spooky events that happenings began to haunt them. One after another mysterious incident began to repeatedly disrupt the two friends. There seems to be a malevolent force that hunted them with lust. What kind of havoc will hit them? Is it reality or just an illusion? Every questions only cause more confusion and chaos. When their soul increasingly uproar, when their spirit began to vanish, when the fear take over, they began to get the answer. Are they capable of escaping the mystery circles?
Anak Patung Nana is a combination of stories being compiled together in one novel with a collaboration of four talented writers which are Suzani Nadzir, Maria Kajiwa, Eqbal Mohaydeen, and Sufi Abqari. There are 4 stories in this novel including Anak Patung Nana, Gumanthong and Ngeri.
Tears become Nana soul mate. She was hated by his own father. Nana life was only being protect by her mother's. Her loneliness was cured with the present of a doll. She felt protected. Disaster occur to the people that hurt her. Resulting in a heart-wrenching tragedy. Who's exactly the doll is?
"Call my name and I will come." ANAK PATUNG NANA
Luqman was a used furniture dealer. One day, he found a table in the store owned by his grandfather in Perlis and then move it to his store. Since then, one by one misfortune befall on him. What is the connection between the table with a recorded written history in Ayutthaya kingdom 500 years ago? Can Luqman save the situation before it is too late?
What do you believe is not necessarily true. / NGERI
Remmy fears come true when he lost her eye and escaped from dead while playing hide and seek with a little boy in the Road Cambodia. Is the boy all the causes of the incident happening? If it true, why? And does Remmy other eye can be saved or will be sacrificed as well?
When one of promise become wrongs, the eyes come as a price. / SOROK SOROK
Projek Seram Hotel is a combination of 4 novels colloboratation of 4 young writers which are Ninie Othman, Naim Tamdjis, Eqbal Mohaydeen and Aziah Zainal.
Synopsis :
You can check-out any time. But you can't get out of here. / HOTEL SAN DEVILY - EQBAL MOHAYDEEN
Some of the tourists disappeared without a trace in the Malacca. They lose a case quite mysterious and unresolved. Unseen and disappeared altogether. A hotel located not built since 1914 has been the choice of two friends, Eric and Faiz who was on holiday in the country's historical cities. First time stepping foot on the hotel,can someone unease. Goosebumps appears when felt as if something was watching all their movements. The first night there, one at a strange and frightening things begin to happen. They began struggling to find a way out but being blocked by mysterious thing. Without realizing it, they have awaken a creature that has long 'sleep' there! Did the mysterious disappearance of tourists associated with the hotel that they inhabit? Can they get out of the spooky hotel safely?
Eqbal Mohaydeen will release his new work which is NYAWA on March 2016.
Online Short Stories and Novels/Unpublished

(Ongoing - Updated Sep 10, 2015 01:35AM)
Several dead bodies were found in terrible state. Inspector Bill bogged down with the investigation. Every evidence led to the act of a wild beast. Who will be the next victim?
Raungan is a novel with the genre of mystery/thriller. It is still an ongoing novels. It is an online novel, you can read this novel at Wattpad. Wattpad is an is a writing community in which users are able to post articles, stories, fan fiction, and poems, either through the website or the mobile application. This gives people the chance to have their creative works available to a wider audience
It is a short story, it is like a diary to me as the subject was trapped inside the hotel as the Hotel Stallion you can check out anytime. But you can't never get out from here. It is about an marketing officer who went to take a few days holiday went to Melaka. Can't find any hotels left, he stumble upon with Hotel Stallion. Unluckily, he was dead because he was trick by an evil spirit in a body of a young girl.
Comment from the readers:
Pidin Sama · : wowwww serammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...best...
Qalam Berbicara · : .. best ... tapi serious seram
like emoticoncolonthree emotico
Nurfarzana Afifah Norhisyam · : Serammmm gile cite nih....Terperangkap dalam Hotel Stallion....Kesian pada sesape yang masuk hotel nih...Mangsa....Btw,cite ni memamg terbaik..
like emoticon
Rumah No.13 is a short story Eqbal Mohaydeen started to write as Eiq Erry and posted it in penulisan2u on 30 September 2012 when he was only 19 years old, at that time he was an upper six student in high school.
From what I've skimmed through the stories it is about a group of friends curious about a house called Rumah No.13. The house was infamous as it was said to the people that live and went there was disturbed by a variety of strange and creepy noise, the people went missing and was killed in a tragic way. These group of friend Nisa, Asri, Hafiz, Faiz and Atillia went there as they have the same interest that is likely to examine, investigate or inquire into the nature of paranormal phenomena. Paranormal events are often associated with deeds of evil spirits often draw the attention five of them. Unfortunately,all of Nisa friends was dead because of an evil spirit leaving her behind alone. Curious? Read it now!
Comment from the readers:
normohamiza says: Walaupun cerpen, kitadapat rasakan perasaan dia. Cemas. Susunan yang hebat dari prolog, klimaks dan penutup. Isi dah ada dan harap buat susunan yang bagus bagi tak mengelirukan pembaca. Good job writer ….. 
Purplevirusz says: Seram2.. Meremang bulu tgkuk.. Tp rmai kwn2 dia mati.. tu yg sedih tu..