
From then to now.


Looking at the junior right now, make me smile and old memories start flashing back in my mind. Looking at them remind me of the first time I entered UPSI. Well, everyone has their own story so do I.. 

Before this…

I’m a graduated from my old school in SM Chung Hwa, Tenom which I’ve attended since form 1 till form 5. Yes, it is a Chinese school, but trust me there’s more Bumiputera than Chinese students. No, I don’t understand Mandarin at all but I do know vulgar word  that can kill you. Hahaha

It’s not that I don’t learn any Mandarin. I do learn it, but only a few. Then I got tired and bored because my so called teacher (my friends) will talk to me in Bahasa Malaysia or Manglish. Not only that, they also forgot some of the word in Mandarin and they forgot how to read it. Not my fault tho. 


My family agreed (More to I force them to let me) that I should continue studying in Form 6 until a better opportunities come and let me fly away to Tomorrowland.

I was so excited and sad at the same time. Well, because a lot of my friends chose to work and not continue their study. So, that's how it begins that I became a free of charge lecturer and a motivator. I start to lecture them and maybe well.. Erm.. Force them to continue to study with me ( I don’t want to be alone okay?! ) That’s where I start to text them, my friends and my friends friends which is technically my friends also and continuing terrorizing their life. (Lol. Getting crazy while typing this)

After I went all the hardship of being free of charge lecturer and a motivator I succeeded in forcing them to study with me to a new place until we all got a better opportunity. Yeah, Self Five!
high five animated GIF

After 1 week studying in SMK Tenom, I got an  opportunity to continue my study and get out from Form 6 which is going to College Poly-Tech Mara to continue my study in Diploma in Teaching of English As a Second Language (TESL) and Diploma In English in UPSI which is in Tanjung Malim, Perak. Or….. Maybe stay in Form 6.. Erm.. Interesting.

After debating with myself to I agree and nominate myself to go to UPSI. hahahaha

Erm.. What do I feel when I got accepted to study in UPSI aka Sultan Idris Education University or in Malay Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris? Well, of course, everyone will be thrilled to receive the news, except weirdo. It felt like I’ve fallen in love… not. Haha.  

It’s like butterflies playing drums in my stomach, jumping in joy.. I mean flying in joy, having a party without my approval and constructing more butterflies (Explicit content).

(This picture perfectly describe my thrilled and excitement at that time)

I’ve been through lots of agony and skirmishes with my friends and family when I made a decision to further my study in UPSI but I’ve made up my mind and it’s final. Yet, it’s still sad to leave my family and friends and go on to an adventure in a place where I’ve never been to or heard before (I’m not lying). My friend was devastated by my decision. Well, after being forced to study in a new place, then being left not alone by me who’ll not be mad at me? But, they understand and let me live my life as the way I want.

First time? My first time entering UPSI eh, after the orientation and so on?

At first, I was stunned. Like a big huge enormous brick wall being thrown at me. It was cultural shock for me at first, but I manage to blend in. Ahamdulillah. Hahaha. Everyone started talking in English with me. But I kept on smiling until my jaw hurt so much, I nod and I only give feedback if I can answer the million dollar question. Well, I’ve become a shy introvert nincompoop when I entered UPSI. Before this, I’m a talker, I have a big mouth and I talk a lot and what I means by a lot is really a lot but in Malay or Manglish la. I can talk 100mph per hour. LOL (Yes, I’m lying) but I slowly adapt myself with English from the first day of class until now. Now, I can talk perfect broken grammar with everyone =.=  

It’s been 1 year 10 days since I entered UPSI in 2014. I have one year left to stay here until 2016, then I will be side by side graduating with my colleagues with a smile that can’t be wiped from our faces and in our hand we will be holding our Diploma certificate with pride and determination to be more successful.

I already prepared my graduation speech. Wanna know? Here goes nothing.

I would like to thanks papa Google for generously providing me legal informations. A huge thanks also to UPSI Jaring, MyGuru, Youtube, Wikipedia, Slide Share, Google Scholar and to whoever invented copy and paste. Not to forget, thanks Ginger Software for being genuinely patient correcting my Grammar. Thank you also my dear beloved arm for always be there by my side, my short leg for always supporting me and not to forget my fat fingers because I can always count on them. Thank You!

Can’t wait. Yihaa! Until then I’ll be ready to face the music and handle my life as I wish and with Gods will.

“ When tomorrow comes
I'll be on my own
Feeling frightened of
The things that I don't know
When tomorrow comes
Tomorrow comes
Tomorrow comes “

I’ll be stronger than ever. If I fall, I will stand and face the music. I will hug and embrace my flaws and fear to be a better, successful, knowledgeable than ever which I’ve determined and set to be. If Allah will, Insyaallah I will try my best to achieve what I want.

This is my story.. How about you?

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